I will admit it, I am completely baffled by today's society. We live in the land of instant gratification. Anything we want can virtually be at our fingertips moments after we think it. While I will concede that this convenience can be really nice, in the larger picture I find it is representative of our over-all cultural mindset. How does this tie into being a single Christian woman? Stay with me here.
I was raised with the notion that an upstanding and moral woman is to be desired.
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. Proverbs 31:30
It seems in today's society, though, that a woman who chooses to live by a set of values is to be scorned. Rather than being sought after, more often than not I feel shunned, earning labels like "uptight" (and other less pleasant terms). I find myself living in a society where attending church is unfashionable, and those who attend regularly are seen as extremists.
We live in an age where pornography is a $13 billion industry. A vast number of boys grow up forming their views of relationships on these violent and unrealistic images. Many go in search of instant gratification. Everything else in our society is ready and available, after all. My generation has been trained to get what we want, when we want it. That being so, we seem to have lost the concept of the pursuit, the journey.
I have to hold on to the faith that all hope is not lost, and there are still those out there that uphold a woman who chooses to serve the Lord. I will be the first to admit that I am far from perfect, and far from righteousness if being judged on my own actions. I will not, however, set aside my beliefs and moral fiber to fit in with society or gain affection from someone who tries to force me to settle for anything less than a harmonious union, with Christ as the tie that binds. Maybe, just maybe, there are still men who choose the same.
Great post, Sis!